Concordance of estimated glomerular filtration rate according to the formulas used in Colombia for patients with chronic kidney disease not on dialysis

  • Jorge Antonio Coronado Daza Universidad de Cartagena (Cartagena, Colombia)
  • María Carolina Fragozo Ramos Universidad de Cartagena (Cartagena, Colombia)
  • Lina Fernanda Reyes Fontalvo Universidad de Cartagena (Cartagena, Colombia)


Introduction: the Colombian guidelines for chronic kidney disease (CKD) recommend estimating glomerular filtration (GF) using the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation. No studies have been performed in the Colombian population to compare the accuracy of this equation to that of others used in clinical practice.

Design and methods: we evaluated the GF estimation performance of the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD-4), Cockroft-Gault (CG) and body surface area adjusted Cockroft-Gault (CG-BSA) equations against the CKD-EPI equation in 757 adult patients. Performance was evaluated using bias, precision and accuracy measurements.

Results: the mean GF by CKD-EPI was 37.32±12.71 mL/min/1.73m2; by MDRD-4 it was 39.8±13.2 mL/min/1.73m2, by CG it was 35±12.6 mL/min and by CG-BSA it was 34.52±11.34 mL/ min/1.73m2. All the equations had bias with respect to GF by CKD-EPI. The most accurate equation was GF estimated by MDRD-4 (MeGF) with 97.1 and 99.74% of measurements within 15 and 30%, respectively; and the least accurate was GF estimated by CG (CGeGF) with 59.7 and 81.77% of the measurements within 15 and 30%, respectively. The concordance correlation coefficient between GF by CKD-EPI and MDRD-4 was 0.97, with CG and CG-BSA at 0.78 and 0.85, respectively.

Conclusions: the most accurate alternative equation for estimating glomerular filtration in this Colombian population is MDRD-4, which has a high concordance with the CKD-EPI equation. Estimation of GF with the CG equation is not recommended  


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Author Biographies

Jorge Antonio Coronado Daza, Universidad de Cartagena (Cartagena, Colombia)

Internista-Nefrólogo. MSc, PhD. Profesor Asociado Departamento Médico, Grupos de Investigación ?RoeAlta Tensión?R Universidad de Cartagena y ?RoeNefrología ASOCOLNEF?R

María Carolina Fragozo Ramos, Universidad de Cartagena (Cartagena, Colombia)

Estudiante de tercer año del postgrado de Especialización en Medicina Interna.

Lina Fernanda Reyes Fontalvo, Universidad de Cartagena (Cartagena, Colombia)

Estudiante de pregrado en internado rotatorio, Facultad de Medicina.

How to Cite
Coronado Daza, J. A., Fragozo Ramos, M. C., & Reyes Fontalvo, L. F. (2020). Concordance of estimated glomerular filtration rate according to the formulas used in Colombia for patients with chronic kidney disease not on dialysis. Acta Medica Colombiana, 45(4).