

The Foster Kennedy Syndrome is an entity characterized by a progressive monocular visual loss due to an tumoral mass effect on the compromised eye and a subsequent contralateral visual loss due to the intracranial pressure generated by the tumoral expansion.  In our case report discusses a progressive monocular field loss due to idiopathic intracranial hypertension which overtime starts with a progressive contralateral visual field loss mimicking a Foster Keneddy syndrome. Our case required a ventricular-peritoneal derivation to prevent a complete visual loss.


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Author Biography

Español Español, Universidad Libre (Cali, Colombia)

Residente de Medicina Interna, Grupo Investigación Medicina Interna

How to Cite
Español, E., Español, E., Español, E., & Español, E. (2023). Español. Acta Medica Colombiana, 49(1).

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