Severe drug reactions Stevens Johnson syndrome: and DRESS syndrome
Purpose: to review and update the Stevens-Johnson syndrome and DRESS syndrome, which despite not being the most frequent drug reactions, are the most severe ones. Data sources: we conducted a systematic review of the medical literature, as described in the databases: PubMed, Medline and Cochrane. Study selection: we limited the search to articles of literature review, management guidelines and meta-analysis published in English and Spanish, with no limit on age or sex, using MESH terms: Stevens-Johnson syndrome, DRESS syndrome. We linked them to terms such as assessment, associations, update and review. Data extraction and results: we performed an initial reading of 338 studies, finding that several of the references were cited in other works, so we selected 10 articles and based on this we performed the critical reading, sorting and ordering, and then proceeded to the text drafting. Conclusions: we reviewed two important drug reactions, clinical entities with very different clinical and etiopathogenic spectrum and numerous drug combinations on which there is not a global treatment concensus, but in which all authors agree in the drug suspension as the first line of treatmentMetrics
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How to Cite
Torres, M., & Olmos, ÿdgar. (2013). Severe drug reactions Stevens Johnson syndrome: and DRESS syndrome. Acta Medica Colombiana, 38(2), 76-82.
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