Prevalence of pseudohyperkalemia in patients with chronic renal disease in hemodialysis therapy

  • Maria Fernanda Sanint
  • Gilberto Manjarrés Iglesias Universidad de Caldas
  • César Augusto Restrepo Valencia Universidad de Caldas


Objective: determine if to prolonged hyperkalemia in hemodialysis patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) contributes significantly the presence of pseudohyperkalemia (difference between serum to plasma potassium greater than 0.5 mEq/L) Patients: those with CKD on hemodialysis therapy for more than 12 months duration in whom persistent hyperkalemia is detected for more than three months. Materials and methods: simultaneous determination of serum and plasma potassium and in addition the variables serum sodium, arterial blood gases, complete blood count, fasting blood glucose, Kt / v and electrocardiogram Results: in 110 patients evaluated 17 met the inclusion criteria. In 13 of them (76.47%) we detected pseudohyperkalemia and in 4 (23.52%) true hyperkalemia (difference between serum to plasma potasium less than 0.5 mEq / L ). No significant differences between groups in the variables analyzed were detected. Conclusion: the pseudohyperkalemia represents a very important percentage of the report of hiperkalemias in CKD patients on hemodialysis therapy, and ideally plasma potasium has to be determined always in these patients. (Acta Med Colomb 2013; 38: 12-15).


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How to Cite
Sanint, M. F., Manjarrés Iglesias, G., & Restrepo Valencia, C. A. (2013). Prevalence of pseudohyperkalemia in patients with chronic renal disease in hemodialysis therapy. Acta Medica Colombiana, 38(1), 12-15.
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