Description of patients aged 80 or older undergoing surgery in the electrophysiology lab of a tertiary care hospital


Introduction: fourth age patients have been cared for in the electrophysiology unit of a tertiary care hospital in Manizales, Caldas; however, there is little clarity in the literature regarding therapeutic conduct in this age group. We present our experience of care and intervention in patients over the age of 80 between September 20, 2017 and October 7, 2019.

Methods: a longitudinal cohort study in which data was collected from a chart review. Telephone follow up was performed three and six months after the procedure. Patients over the age of 80 who had undergone any procedure in the electrophysiology lab were included. Patients without follow up information were excluded.

Results: data were collected on 75 patients undergoing a procedure: 62.7% of the patients were men, ages ranged from 80 to 95, and 32.7% of the patients had a diagnosis of sinus dysfunction. The most prevalent comorbidity was arterial hypertension (92%). The most frequently performed procedure was dual chamber pacemaker implantation. The median hospital stay was one day. Seventypercent of the patients had a medium or low risk according to the CHA2DS2-VASc scale. Over a six-month period, a 4% cumulative incidence of complications was found, with 8% reconsultation and 1.3% mortality.

Conclusions: postsurgical complications, the need for and length of hospitalization, the rate of reconsultation and the mortality associated with procedures in this age group are similar to those seen in studies of populations under 80 years old


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Author Biographies

Daniela Acosta Sánchez, Universidad de Caldas (Manizales, Colombia)

Medica General Universidad de Manizales

Especialista en epidemiología Universidad de Caldas


William Fernando Bautista Vargas , Hospital Departamental de Santa Sofía (Manizales, Colombia)

Medicina:Universidad El Bosque
Bogota Colombia
Medicina Interna:Fundación Universitaria Ciencias de la Salud ?R"HSJ
Bogota Colombia
Cardiologia clínica:Universidad El Bosque- Fundación Cardioinfantil
Bogota Colombia
Electrofisiologia Cardiovascular:Universidad de la Sabana
Bogota Colombia
Diplomado en Investigacion Clinica Aplicada : Universidad de la Sabana
Bogota Colombia
Cardiac Electrophysiology: McGill University
Montreal-Qc, Canada

Especialista en epidemiología: Universidad de Caldas 

Manizales Caldas

How to Cite
Acosta Sánchez, D., & Bautista Vargas , W. F. (2020). Description of patients aged 80 or older undergoing surgery in the electrophysiology lab of a tertiary care hospital. Acta Medica Colombiana, 46(1).