About the Journal

Acta Médica Colombiana (AMC) is a scientific serial Open Access journal and has embraced the principles of Open Science for everybody. As such, manuscripts published in Acta Médica Colombiana are open and will be covered by the Creative Commons BY-SA-4.0 (CC-BY-SA-4.0) licence. This license gives readers free access to the articles and permission to read, share and copy them freely by any means and in any forma, as long as the original publication is credited, a link to the license is provided and an indication of whether changes have been made to the article is given. 

Acta Médica Colombiana will not take responsibility for any statement made by authors of the articles. Opinions or statements expressed in AMC are the point of view of the authors and do not represent an official position of ACMI (R) unless the opposite is stated. 

The digital version of Acta Médica Colombiana, the scientific journal of the Colombian Association of Internal Medicine (ACMI (R) Doctors for Adults), has been licensed by the Ministry of Government through Resolution 000444 of April 26th of 1976 and given the ISSN 2248-6054.

Acta Médica Colombiana is covered by SciELO Colombia (Scientific Electronic Library Online), the Latin American Health Sciences Literature Index (LILACS), the Latin American, Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Scientific Journal Network (RedALYC), and the Colombian Science Ministry's Serial Publication Index (PUBLINDEX) and the Latin American Scientific and Technological Journal Index (LATINDEX).