The possibilities of gene therapy and its bio-ethical dilemmas

  • Orlando Mejía Universidad de Caldas (Manizales, Colombia)


According to Anderson, gene therapy has four levels of application; somatic cells, germinal cells, perfective therapy and eugenic manipulation. An analysis of the bio-ethical dilemma in each therapy level is made and the so called Evolution Concept is stated to question the wish of some scientists to start gene therapy from germ cells. Likewise, there is a warning about the hazards of starting perfective therapy and eugenic manipulation due to the social and political implications of positive eugenics programs reactivation.


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Author Biography

Orlando Mejía, Universidad de Caldas (Manizales, Colombia)

Médico Internista, magíster en filosofía con énfasis en epistemología. Profesor titular de la Universidad de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias para la salud. Programa de medicina. Departamento Clinico-quirúrgico. Área de Humanidades médicas. Cofundador del CIEB (Centro de investigaciones y estudios bioéticos). Manizales

How to Cite
Mejía, O. (2005). The possibilities of gene therapy and its bio-ethical dilemmas. Acta Medica Colombiana, 30(2), 73-79. Retrieved from
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