Epidemiological study of chronic pain in Caldas, Colombia

Dolca Study

  • Ricardo Díaz Cabezas Universidad de Caldas (Manizales, Colombia)
  • Felipe Marulanda Mejía Universidad de Caldas (Manizales, Colombia)
  • Ximena Sáenz Universidad de Caldas (Manizales, Colombia)


Introduction: pain is the most common symptom in medical consultation, and a major public health problem. In Colombia, there is still a lack of reliable data on the impact of pain on the general population.

Aim: to estimate the prevalence and clinical aspects and management of chronic pain in the general population in a representative sample of the department of Caldas, Colombia.

Subjects and methods: 1.008 people older than 18 years, of both genders, were surveyed in homes of randomly selected districts in the cities of Manizales, Neira, Villamaríaa, and Chinchiná, using a semistructured questionnaire through interview at home. The information was processed with the statistical package Epiinfo.

Results: the prevalence of pain during the last month was 50%, and chronic pain (more than 3 months) 31%, with a predominance of women in most causes of pain and with increased frequency in older age. The duration of chronic pain was more than 1 year in 62% of cases and over 5 years in 30%. The most frequent localizations were in order: head, legs, lower back, upper limbs and abdomen. Daily activities (ADL) were partially limited in 62% of cases and totally in 13%. Pain affected mood in one half of the subjects. NSAIDs were used in 59%, acetaminophen in 53%, while only 3% used opioids. Self-prescription was reported by 41% and use of complementary medicine in 33%.

Conclusions: the study highlights the high prevalence of chronic pain, its chronic nature, the low use of opioids and the high consumption of NSAIDs, as well as the habit of self-prescription, which results in inadequate management of chronic diseases.


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Author Biographies

Ricardo Díaz Cabezas, Universidad de Caldas (Manizales, Colombia)
Neurólogo. Profesor Asociado Univ. de Caldas. Coordinador Clínica de Dolor. Universidad de Caldas
Felipe Marulanda Mejía, Universidad de Caldas (Manizales, Colombia)
Geriatra, Magister en Desarrollo Humano, Profesor Asistente Univ. de Caldas, Miembro Clínica de Dolor. U. de Caldas
Ximena Sáenz, Universidad de Caldas (Manizales, Colombia)
Enfermera, Magister en Enfermería, Profesor Asociado Univ. Nacional de Colombia. Universidad de Caldas. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Manizales
How to Cite
Díaz Cabezas, R., Marulanda Mejía, F., & Sáenz, X. (2019). Epidemiological study of chronic pain in Caldas, Colombia: Dolca Study. Acta Medica Colombiana, 34(3), 96-102. Retrieved from https://actamedicacolombiana.com/ojs/index.php/actamed/article/view/1605
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