Lead poisoning secondary to retained bullet fragments

  • Vivian Charris Roldán Universidad Libre (Barranquilla, Colombia)
  • Agustín Guerrero Universidad Libre (Barranquilla, Colombia)
  • Carlos Barrera Guarín Universidad Libre (Barranquilla, Colombia)


Lead poisoning is difficult to diagnose in its early stages because its symptoms are nonspecific and are often attributed to other diseases. It is therefore very important to take a complete medical history that can lead to determine probable means of exposure to this metal, which continues to be widely used in our environment. It is crucial not to forget the main targets of lead toxicity, such as the kidney, the nervous system, and the blood. Diagnosis is confirmed by elevated blood lead levels and elevated zinc protoporphyrin levels. Treatment involves withdrawing the patient from the source of exposure and chelation therapy


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Author Biographies

Vivian Charris Roldán, Universidad Libre (Barranquilla, Colombia)
Residente II Medicina Interna, Universidad Libre
Agustín Guerrero, Universidad Libre (Barranquilla, Colombia)
Toxicólogo Salubrista Ocupacional, Magíster en Toxicología, Profesor Titular-Coordinador de Farmacología y Toxicología, Facultad de Medicina Universidades Libre y San Martín de Barranquilla
Carlos Barrera Guarín, Universidad Libre (Barranquilla, Colombia)
Jefe Medicina Interna, Director Postgrado Medicina Interna, Unilibre. Hospital Universitario CARI Alta Complejidad
How to Cite
Charris Roldán, V., Guerrero, A., & Barrera Guarín, C. (2019). Lead poisoning secondary to retained bullet fragments. Acta Medica Colombiana, 36(4), 200-203. https://doi.org/10.36104/amc.2011.1450
Case Reports